Clinical Reviews

Catherine F. Vanderloos, MD
Advocare Premier Ob/Gyn of South Jersey

Dr. Holly Thacker
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
“I treated a 90-year-old woman with SUI/UI/FI using an InToneMV post sling procedure where after just a few months of therapy she said I had given her youth back”
Dr. Lauren Streicher
Gynecologic Specialists of Northwestern, Chicago, IL
“It’s time to talk about this taboo topic before diapers become the newest accessory in the Nike store. So yes, strengthen your calves and abs, but don’t forget to strengthen your below-the-belt muscles & be truly fit with InControl Medical products!”
Dr. Lisa Jaacks
Desert West OBGYN, Glendale, AZ
“Our patients have been especially grateful to have a solution to various types of bladder issues related to urinary incontinence without surgery, medication or side-effects. It has always been a philosophy of our practice to use the least invasive approach possible and InControl’s products have fit right in. Our patients appreciate it and our physicians are delighted to be able to bring success in a manner that ensures progress.”